In an article published in Pediatrics – March 2020, Dr. Lund and colleagues looked at the link between maternal drinking and behavior problems in children. Drinking in moms is associated with both emotional and behavioral problems in children.
You may be saying….
“Duh, someone actually had to study it? Haven’t we always assumed this?”
I bring this up to discuss a problem that is quite pervasive but often hidden.
Do you know anyone with young children who drinks enough to get buzzed or have a behavior change? Do you personally know any mother of young children who is an alcoholic?
If you think you do not, you actually might.
Alcoholism and frequent use of alcohol in mothers is one of the hidden epidemics. The actual numbers are difficult to tabulate because it is quite well hidden in many mothers. Often, it manifests as a breakdown in relationships, the most important being with the husband and with the children.
In my practice, it is one of the social concerns when a child is brought in with behavior problems.
The sad thing is…..
it gets missed all too often.
Assessment for alcoholism is done using a self-administered questionnaire and is often not disclosed. Alcoholism will often only be discovered when a close family member reveals it.
Do YOU have a problem with alcohol?
How do you know if the amount you drink is a problem?
If you drink at all, or know someone who does, take the AUDIT (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test). This is a quick test with just 10 questions.
Try it now for a fast score with immediate results.
Most importantly, get help if you are at risk. Do not let your children (or children in your family or friend circle) struggle with a mother who needs help.
Enjoy the journey!
Doc Tibbs
CORDS: Reflections on Weaving the Tapestry of Life
Dr. Tibbs' book is a powerful meditation on the meaning of family, identity, and community. There’s something beautiful about learning to love your culture and simultaneously cultivating in your children the awareness that everyone has a culture or heritage that is important to them.
Also available in a Kindle version.
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