Overwhelm is common for mothers. We are all human, and we all have struggles. With a sovereign, providential God, the complexities of life begin to make sense.
Doc Tibbs
Mothering and New Year Planning
January 1 is a great time to make changes, take stock, and do new things. Feelings of excitement and new possibilities. It’s a great time to make a plan!
On Teenage Sons
Teenage boys will get the best of you. It’s generally an agreed-upon fact. The Bible has evergreen wisdom we can use to impart wisdom and sense into our sons.
Does your child love to read?
(5 Things You Can Do Today)
Why read to your young child? Studies show preschoolers exposed to LOTS of books are more ready for kindergarten. Get started today!
Mothers Finding Balance: Meet Sarah
Sarah is passionate about women’s and children’s issues in Uganda. A unique problem solver, Sarah helps improve many people’s lives. Her work is inspirational!
Mothers Finding Balance: Meet Maria
Maria is a Pediatrician with three teenage children. She and her husband have not had any major defiance or opposition from them. Besides their structured home environment, they credit 3 main areas: Culture, Church, and Purposeful Engagement. Find out more!
Mothering and screen time
Screen time and gaming has become excessive and is linked to several health issues in kids. Setting limits helps things like brain development and improved learning!
Mothers Finding Balance: Meet Florence
My story starts with a major event in early 2010. I resigned from a prominent accounting firm, a very high paying job and I had no other job lined up. I realized that I had got into the rut of chasing the next promotion, working all hours but, I had Continue Reading
Mothering and Alcoholism
Drinking in moms is often associated with emotional and behavioral problems in kids. But how you know if the amount of drinking is a problem? Find out more!
Mothers Finding Balance: Meet Jessie
I went to the United States Naval Academy (USNA)for college. After graduation and commissioning, I joined the aviation community. This is a very time consuming track for Navy officers. As a Naval Flight Officer I went through my ratings and warfare qualifications as a Weapons System Officer (WSO) in the Continue Reading